maandag 4 april 2011

Asobi ni Iku yo!

(translation = We're coming to play!)

Yeaaa play time...
and play time indeed, not so long before exams comes for me so less time to play Q_Q
Oh well, it wont be a sign, ill just afk a bit more then usual =/

Weeeeeelll i keep coming closer to a next Dragon Heart Recipe, Third 100e weapon for me yay!, standing on 560 million vis, aiming on 1 billion enough vis to maintain hp&sp and ancient star orbs (stupid et eats a lot of them -.-!)
And yesh it gonna be the black dagger, because noobooody is buying my 100e 1h (+7 3s with 37atk and 74golem, iiits goood for betelguese!)
so yea decided to make a dagger, i hope i can +6/7 it soon and chip it with atk/golem or atk/ar, maybe all in one if i get such luck on weapons, i rather chip armors have luck on that to +2/3dr lots of them.
Did i told you that im doing pretty much everything with 2x 92e +6/2dr and Ln +5/2dr? well now i did!
Best armor atm is on reckless +6/ 15def 3dr Ln, happy with that, but what i said im rlly happy that i can even raid with +6 2dr ems's LOL!

(arent they cuteee?~)
The picture is from a anime serie called "Dragon Crisis",
You should see it for your self.. dont know where? ,Heres the link enjoy if you like it ^^
(Probbly have to copy paste it =P LOL or not depends on it xD)

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