maandag 19 september 2011


Ieeeuuww i dont like the new stuff for blogspot =S
Gimme my old user skin not this bloody new one! x.x''

Also i got addicted to Cityville on Facebook...
(Gawd i did promise not to go do all those things... gonna hate certain people for this!)

Aaaand i just hate long days on skool -_-''

And people want me to find work.. altho i dont mind that very much.. >.<''

Big party underway on the 3rd of October, "Leids onzet".
Its a sort of celebration for beating the spanish here in Leiden.
This link leads to the history of why and so on, just gonna need a good translater from dutch to "your language"


I guess i need to play sword2 heh? thats the most reason i made this blog.. geez getting it this far not good hehe.. ^^'

Updated Anime List: 1 new one.
Updated Story List: Yeap soon enough i guess =P


Oh also... i have more anime pictures.. but its more ecchi related.. sooo asking the people atm now: 
Would you mind much if i post because i dont wanna have problems of posting it?..
Thanks in advance ^^

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