vrijdag 9 december 2011

Chipping, luck or fail?

Ugh i hate chipping my stuff much..
for example i have this ELB sco now.. its hating me for chipping.. only getting HP mods..
aswell for last chip i did today i gave me evasion and HP!! >.<
Well i be trading it away soon enough for 3dr.. that should teach the ....

Okay next happy moment.
Valleria is getting near master and almost ET maxed, let down.. gotta chip her ln armor FFUUUUU!!

Aswell i can kill basiliks (from the Castilla mine raid) solo.. with my caly.. i know it aint a big news to the better player then me.. but it is something news to me.. just need 1 more ELB fig so that can see how far i can get (prefer as far as Deka.. last bossy)
If that succeeds.. i be off to do the Ruins quests (yay \^^/)

Hmm, still dont know why i cant print screen.. aswell i did notice i dont i have a place to put the screenies from sword.. might be that.. dunno o.o''

Yeap time for the updates

Updated Anime List: Nope, same list as normal.. for now..
Updated Story: gotta think some things or 2 for next part.

And yea because i still cant post my sword screens.. i should post a other one...

(Prisilla & Heath, from the game: Fire Emblem The Shadow Dragon)

2 opmerkingen:

  1. If you don't have screenshot folder, manually create a new folder inside release folder, and name the new one "screenshot". You should be able to print screen after that.
